Do you want to be shown useful hacks and tips for planning permission and permitted development?
The two most popular questions I get asked daily are:
“What can I do with my property?”
“I want to do xxx with my property, but I don't know how?”
As part of our property education, we developers are shown how to evaluate a building or site in terms of its commercial viability. We know how to calculate the gross value after development, we know rules regarding construction costs, we are taught how to find opportunities and how to create our team of professionals. We know how to present our appraisals to funders and partners and we have all studied our favourite property strategies.
However the one thing that isn't taught, which a vital piece of the puzzle...
“What can I do with my property?”
If you don't know what you can do with your property or land, then how can you get the best from it?
How do you get the best potential and profit?
How can you plan a course of action?
How much do you rely on planning professionals?
How many times do you need to ask them the same questions because each project is slightly different?
How many schemes and ideas could you evaluate if you had that vital but basic information?
How much time and money would you save?
If you present to your planning consultant or architect a clear idea of what can be done you will get much better, faster and precise results. They will know what you want from the start. They won't be using valuable time to see if your scheme is viable, only to find that it doesn't work or the costs don't stack up.
I'm running a one-day workshop where I will show you how you can do this for yourself.
Planning permissions from the developer’s point of view
My five point P.L.A.N.S planning appraisal system - part of it was shown at several
Progressive Property VIP keynote speeches
You get the FULL system
Planning Permission and Permitted Development
~The “what, how and why”
~What you can do without permission.
~How to use Permitted Development and creating fall back to get your approval.
~Why do you need planning?
~The importance of Town and Country Planning Act s55, s171, and the 28-day rule
~Barns, offices, shops and pubs, these conversions approved by using permitted development, without the interference from the council planning authority
~Prior Notification, what is it and how do we use it; all explained
Location and logistics and the effect on your plans
~Bungalows, corner plots and infill sites
~Exception sites, affordable housing, creating schemes where everyone wins
~Building in the countryside, how and where to do it.
~Character, impact, heights, trees and site features and how it affects your project
~Conservation areas and listed buildings explained and how to work with them.
~Floodplains, contamination reports, newts owls bats & trees root protection all explained
~ Highway’s requirements, visibility splays. How to access your site. Classified roads and adopted roads, what you need to know.
~ Knotweed, site slopes and ground conditions.
~ Locating services, water, gas, electrics and telecoms.
Applications and Acquisitions
~ Joint Ventures and using planning to uplift profits.
~S106 what is it and how can we use it. CIL payments exemptions.
~Using outline applications as a cheaper better and more accurate alternative to “pre apps” (pre-application advice)
Knowledge base
~ How to get specialist information for free, save £££s on surveys.
~ Local Planning Authority development documents and maps.
~ What the NPPF 5 year housing supply means
~ Planning search and why you need it. Get your deals 8 weeks ahead of Rightmove
Scheme design
~ Sketch your plot, how to get the most from your site.
~ The deal appraisal spreadsheet. Super comprehensive, fast appraisals for accurate funding.
~ National standards for room sizes, garden, parking standards, overlooking.
~ Construction stages, methods and how they affect planning. All explained
~ Keeping it legal
~ Your obligations, health and safety, what is CDM, telling your mortgage company
~ How to get accurate local build costs, getting builders and your professional team
~ Finance, how to get it and what it really costs.
~ Books to read that will save you £££s
Added bonus Question and Answer session especially for you!
Bring your project and questions to the event and we will help you with any problems you may have.
Documentation, links to very useful websites and information, spreadsheets all included!
Location: Norwich and London
Date: Next workshop day to be confirmed
Time: Registration at 9:30 for a 10:00 start. Finish at 17:00
Cost: Just £450 including buffet lunch, refreshments and all course materials!
If you have 4 or more colleagues I will come to you!
Contact me for details
No other course is this specific for new property developers to understand the vital tricks
and hacks of the planning system.